Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day

Henry loves his cousin Miles!

The three of us

Holding on to Grandpa for dear life

Grandma and Grandpa Rodrigues

6 month checkup (our little string bean)

We finally had Henry's 6 month checkup last week. As predicted, he is still our little string bean and is long and lean. He is 27 inches long and weighs just over 14lbs. Head and length are in the 75th percentile and weight is in the 5th, ha! The doctor said everything looks great and this is just how he is growing so we are happy. Plus he is still very soft and squeezable:)

Here are some things Henry is into these days:

  • Eating- so far he's liked everything we've given him which is great. It's so fun watching him taste something for the first time and learn to chew. 
  • Grabbing toys- he is very good at grabbing toys that he wants (and hands, books, burp cloths, etc) and putting them in his mouth! 
  • Scooching- though he is nowhere near crawling, Henry has a way of scooching around to get what he wants. We put him down in the middle of the crib and somehow he ends up in the far corner or lying horizontally instead of vertically. I've also seen him, through the monitor, stick his butt up and get up on his knees. 
  • Talking- still making lots of hilarious sounds and "talks" with such conviction
  • Sleep- still getting up once to eat at night but overall, he has been a champ as far as sleeping goes. I am very grateful!
  • Singing/dancing- he loves it when Matt and I sing or dance for him. Thank goodness there are no hidden cameras in our house for people to see the crazy things we do to make him laugh! 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


waking up from his first night in the crib a couple of weeks ago!

teeny feet

loves grabbing his feet

mother's day

happy baby, tired mama


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The first taste

I saw this video last week and thought it was so hilarious!


This past weekend Henry had solid food for the first time! I made some carrot purée and mixed it with rice cereal and breast milk so it was really thinned out and soupy. He did a great job and loved the spoon but most of the food went into the bib's trough:) Since then I made the food thicker and he prefers it that way. Today he tried peas and finished every bite! I'm excited to make some more purées and give him some mashed avocado, bananas, etc. Here are some photos from his first taste.