Wednesday, November 28, 2012

2 week update

Henry had his 2 week appointment yesterday. Here he is waiting patiently for the doctor. I was anxious to see what his weight was. I know when you breastfeed, it's one of the few ways of knowing if your baby is getting enough food. He gained a pound since his last weigh-in at 4 days old! He is now 7lbs 15oz. He also grew an inch and a half so he is 21.5 inches long. Everything is looking great and all systems are a go!

These first two weeks have been a whirlwind- the sleep deprivation is really as intense as everyone says. But, also like everyone says, it gets easier everyday. I'm still trying to find some time to write out Henry's birth story before I forget everything. Luckily Julie and Matt were texting friends and family throughout the whole thing so I've go their logs to jog my memory:)

Things Henry does that we love:
Looking like a drunk old man after he eats
Stretching and being really sleepy all the time
Kicking his arms and legs furiously when he gets his diaper changed or is upset about something
Snorting like a pig when upset or wanting to eat
Looking really alert and wrinkling his forehead trying to make his eyes big
Furrowing his brow

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

37 weeks

19 more days until my due date- woah! I'm definitely starting to slow down. I have weekly appointments now so I'm looking forward to my next one tomorrow!