Tuesday, April 23, 2013

me + my baby

I realized how few photos I have of me and Henry, so I decided to set my camera on its tripod and use the self timer to take some portraits of us. The focus/composition is a little wacky but it's better than nothing! Next on my list is to take photos of all three of us together and on film.

squirmy baby!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Visit from Great Aunt Stephanie

Matt's Aunt Stephanie came to visit from Montana this weekend. It was so great to see her! I'm so happy she had some quality time with Henry. Of course, I forgot to take hardly any photos and the ones I have are blurry, but here are a couple and a couple of Henry and Matt playing. We can't wait to go visit Stephanie and her husband Bob in Bozeman, Montana!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

5 month stats

We don't have another check up until his 6 month appt so I don't have any height or weight stats but there are all sorts of other new additions to Henry's repertoire. This past month has been relatively consistant as far as sleep so we've been able to really enjoy watching Henry grow and learn. Here are some highlights.

  • As you can see from the photo above, Henry has found his thumb. This has made naps/bedtime so much easier. So far he doesn't have a favorite and will suck either thumb. We know we're good to go when we see him on the video monitor sucking his thumb and using his other hand to rub the top of his head- so cute.
  • Speaking of the top of his head- he has hair! He's always had a little bit but it's really coming in now. So far it's light reddish/blondish brown and wavy just like mine when I was a baby.
  • Henry has made a couple of discoveries this past week- his feet and his tongue. He likes to grab his feet when he's on the changing table. The videos in the post before this one illustrates how he's found his tongue- so hilarious and one of my favorite things so far! 
  • He is still babbling away, lots of new sounds all the time.
  • We haven't started on solids yet, I'm planning on waiting until 6 months, but I did buy a box of rice cereal at Whole Foods today- eek! 
  • He can't sit on his own but is really trying. With all the rolling over/tummy time he's doing, his head and neck control is getting really good.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Here are some photos from our Easter with the Widholms and Grandma Lisa!

hangin' with cousin Miles

those cheeks

Grandma Lisa and the grandchildren