Thursday, July 31, 2014

July videos

Here are some goofy videos from the past month. Finally done playing catch up, hopefully I can do this more frequently from now on!

Henry's expressions from Kathryn Rodrigues on Vimeo.

Dancing from Kathryn Rodrigues on Vimeo.

Jump from Kathryn Rodrigues on Vimeo.

green beans from Kathryn Rodrigues on Vimeo.

the ramp from Kathryn Rodrigues on Vimeo.

Misc July

bed head combined with pb+j face was just too much!


Garfield Park Conservatory

looking at himself on my phone

the world's smallest kiddie pool for this city kid

getting rained on

watching the world cup and folding laundry, he insisted on wearing Matt's underwear and pants, haha

Harry and Henry

My friend Veronica from high school was visiting from Arizona with her husband Andrew and their son Harry, who is just two days younger than Henry. It was so great to see them all and see H+H interact! I wish they lived closer!

4th of July

Where did this month go?? It took us awhile to recuperate after our road trip and then Henry got his first stomach bug (yuck) followed by all of us getting colds so this month has been a blur.
Here are some photos from the 4th, we went to the lake early and it was already getting so crowded! Luckily, we got out of there before the traffic got too crazy. Henry was unsure of the sand at first but then was super into it.