Wednesday, November 27, 2013

the toddler bounce

Jammin on the one from Kathryn Rodrigues on Vimeo.

Henry has started to do the toddler bounce/dance! Here is a video from when we out to eat last week, he was really enjoying the music and all the wait staff who walked by.

Monday, November 18, 2013

12 month portraits

It's so hard to get Henry to sit still these days but I was able to catch a few photos this morning. I can't believe how much he has changed in the last few months. Between 9.5 months and now he has started crawling, got 2 teeth (with the top 4 about to pop through!), is pulling himself up on everything and cruises a little, babbles constantly, stopped nursing and using bottles and just uses a sippy cup and eats all sorts of new foods. It's hard for us to keep up! At his appt last week, he tipped the scales at 19 lbs (haha) and is 29 1/4 inches so still long and lean but definitely filling out. We have a few friends with babies who are almost exactly a year older than Henry and it's so fun to see what we have to look forward to!

new friends

In the past couple of months, Henry has really gotten into his stuffed animals and started actually interacting with them. Mostly chewing their faces but also giving them hugs which is too cute!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


I can't believe that one year ago today we met this little guy:

And now he is turning into such a little boy! Here are some photos from our party on Sunday.